03 Jul

Light Up Your Space to Make An At-Home Office More Productive

You’ve traded that stale overhead office fluorescent for the warm lights of your home. Instead of too-white, too-bright desk spotlights and screens, you are working from home and illuminating your desk or table with natural sunlight or some warm-tone lamps. There’s no argument that your home’s lighting is more comfortable than most offices — but that calming spectrum of light may be wreaking havoc on your at-home productivity. 

18 Mar

How Does Blue Light Impact Humans?

Although the use of blue light is an excellent solution to provide environmentally friendly lighting, it also poses a large number of health risks and disadvantages for humans. Before the creation of artificial lighting, overexposure to blue light was never an issue. Now, thanks to newer lighting technologies, our evenings and nights are flooded with illumination. As a result, excessive quantities of blue light and poor lighting, in general, can pose threats such as: