02 Aug

Blue Light May Lead to Depressive Symptoms

Blue light has already been found to disrupt sleep cycles and circadian rhythms, and prolonged exposure can contribute to eyesight problems and even loss. A new study between multiple institutions in China has found that repeated exposure to blue light may potentially cause a number of depressive symptoms. 

03 Jul

Light Up Your Space to Make An At-Home Office More Productive

You’ve traded that stale overhead office fluorescent for the warm lights of your home. Instead of too-white, too-bright desk spotlights and screens, you are working from home and illuminating your desk or table with natural sunlight or some warm-tone lamps. There’s no argument that your home’s lighting is more comfortable than most offices — but that calming spectrum of light may be wreaking havoc on your at-home productivity. 

30 Aug

How LEDs Are Making Space Station Gardens A Reality

We need light to grow things, that’s a pretty fundamental part of farming -- and life. Which is why the notion of growing plants in the deep vacuum of space is such a tough problem to solve. 

When you’re an astronaut on a long expedition however, a replenishing supply of plant-based resources sounds much better than freeze-dried food, and may even be necessary as we embark on longer missions into deeper space. 

28 May

6 Reasons to Switch to LED Lighting

Compared to traditional lighting practices, LED lighting yields a wide variety of advantages. In today’s markets, there are many lighting options at businesses’ disposal. However, LEDs offer improvements in every regard, making them the light source of choice for warehouses, parking lots, offices, streetlights and more. 

We’ve gone into great detail before about the major differences between LEDs and halogen, incandescent, and CFL lights. Now, we’ll determine all the advantages to switching your office, warehouse, or commercial building to LED lighting.  

08 Apr

Light Pollution and Animals

Did you know that light pollution has a substantially harmful impact on wildlife? For billions of years, all plants and animals have developed definitive rhythms based on the unchanging day, night, and seasonal cycles. These rhythms dictate crucial animal behaviors such as sleeping, reproduction, and predation. Within the last hundred years, however, these cycles have been drastically disrupted by the growth of humanity’s artificial night-time lighting. 

29 Mar

How Does Blue Light Impact Plants?

We recently investigated how everyday consumption of blue light impacts humans. Emphasizing the health risks of overexposure, we saw how LEDs can suppress blue light’s detrimental impact on humans.  In this post, we will explore how plants are affected by changes in the electromagnetic spectrum. With advancements in LED technology and increased spectral control, we can observe how colored light (specifically blue light) contributes towards plant growth and flowering. 

20 Jan

The Various Light Bulbs and Their Advantages

Although it’s invention is credited to Thomas Edison in 1879, multiple iterations of the first light bulb have existed since the early nineteenth century. Edison did, however, create a light bulb that was powerful, efficient, and cost-effective. Since then, the light bulb has become an irrevocable necessity in our lives--never given a second thought. As time has progressed, so has technology. Lighting’s changed drastically over time and the lightbulb has seen several notable advancements, the most recent being the creation of LEDs.